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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Suicide and Murder (71-79)
For The Self-Destructive (71-74)
Ever-loving God,
            We ask your Spirit’s gentle touch upon your precious child _____.  Lost in a chilling darkness, she waits upon you for light, mercy, and guidance. Smother her attraction toward self-destruction and stay her hand, we pray.  Let her drink deeply from the cup of your salvation, that she may find the courage to live and the will and power to claim a future of restoration and hope.  And grant your amazing, healing grace to triumph in her and through her each moment, each day.  In Christ we pray. (71)

God of Compassion,
             Send your profound blessings on _____, who is searching for meaning and hope.  Stay her hand from self-destruction and give her the wisdom and courage to make the choices necessary to claim the peace, comfort, and joy of this earthly life.   Guide her in her daily walk that she may find your good will and purpose.  And lead her into life anew by the power of your Spirit to save.  In Christ we pray. (72)

O Melody of Love,
            We thank you for planting the song of life within our hearts, buried and tremulous though it sometimes may be. We ask your powerful Spirit to sing for _____ at this time of tuneless despair and grinding panic.  Even when such darkness mutes her faith and her will to live, grant that the light of Christ may shine along her way and teach her your song of hope yet again.  In Christ we pray. (73)

Guardian of Life,
            You are the Good Shepherd of the Helpless, and your daughter _____ feels helpless to stop the self-destruction of her body through _____ (cutting, addiction, etc.)  And so we pray that you will do what she cannot as she lets go of thinking she can recover on her own.  Remind her of your power to heal through the stories that others in her therapy group relate.  Be quick to help her to understand her worth as a human being, and her role as your beloved child.  Teach her self-compassion and the time-tested ways those in her situation have found to turn the darkness of this time into a story of your saving grace in her life.  In the compassion and tears of Jesus we pray. (74)

For Family Victims of Suicide (75-77)
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?. . .If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.                                                          Psalm 139:7,8b

God of Boundless Compassion,
We believe your steadfast love extends beyond the limits of our mortality and that your Spirit gently accompanies each of us into a future known only to you. At this time of deep grief and bitter questions, we leave _____in your eternal care.  May your Spirit abide with ____ (each family member) according to their great need and your everlasting mercy.  Give them strength to endure what must be endured, and guide them toward the healing pools of your peace.  In Jesus our Shepherd we pray. (75)

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.              Psalm 23:1-2

Hope of the Hopeless,
Although she may not have been able to comprehend the love that surrounded her while she lived, we know that _____ now rests at peace within your boundless compassion and love. We ask your deep blessings for _____ as she reels from the enormity of loss and grief. Comfort her and her family as she walks in this dark valley, and lead her gently in the coming time.  Let your goodness and mercy flow upon her to uplift her fainting heart and restore her soul.  And grant her your peace now and in the coming time.  In Christ we pray. (76)

O Sanctifying Spirit,
            We are so helpless in our human condition, so unable to defray the foes of life.  At times such as these, we can only pray for your strength to be our strength, for your forgiveness to be our forgiveness, and for your grace to fill in the deep chasms of our sorrow and despair.  Look now upon _____ and _____ as they mourn the death of their beloved _____. Cast your net around them that they may not drown in the despair of their grieving hearts.  You know our deepest needs even when we are unable to utter them, so hear their prayers and send ministering angels of mercy to bless and to keep them now and in the coming time.  In the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we pray.  (77)

Family Victims of Murder (78-79)
Sheltering Arms,
            The dungeons of pain and anger, despair and questions buckle our knees and mute our speech in such a shattering time as this.  But your embracing Spirit  strengthens, consoles, and speaks your mercy to our quaking souls. 
Let that mercy fully flow now upon _____ and _____ and their family at the devastating news of _____’s murder. Be with them and guide them through the long and torturous journey that lies ahead.  And remind them through the kindness and tender friendship of others that you bear the burden with them and will lead them through this valley of the shadow of death. Through the resurrected Jesus Christ we pray. (78)
Conviction of a Loved One’s Murderer (79)
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in whom I trust.”
Psalm 91:1-2

Steadfast God of Love,

            You have been a refuge and a fortress for  _____ and ____  who continue to learn to live without their beloved _____, slain by the hand of another.  That one has now been brought to justice and one chapter of their ordeal is at long last over. Bless each according to their need and your faithful, hovering. May your Spirit's healing power and the grace of Jesus Christ prevail in their hearts each day. Amen. (79)

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